Decriminalising Prostitution: The Academic side of the debate

During questions at our meeting with Jean Johnson last month I mentioned that I had read some of the academic literature on legalising/decriminalising prostitution that I could share with you. Apologies that it has taken me so long to get around to actually doing this, June seems to have disappeared before my very eyes!

Here is a selection of reports and articles written about managing prostitution. I have tried to select articles representing different perspectives, so you can draw your own conclusions on the benefits of different approaches.

Legalising Prostitution

Psychological and Sociological Research and the Decriminalization or Legalization of Prostitution

The Political Debate on Prostitution and Trafficking of Women

Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution and a Legal Response to the Demand for Prostitution

Decriminalise Prostitution

Buying Sex, Safely


That should hopefully be enough to get you going!

Thank you for your continued interest and support. We look forward to seeing all our members next week at our Cheese and Wine evening.

Sotonettes Committee
