Would you like to visit WI HQ?

The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) has its headquarters in Fulham in London.  Each year, they open their doors to WI members from across the country and offer a chance to have a look around and find out more about the work of the WI at National level.


This year, the open days will be Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th October 2014.  A morning and afternoon session is offered each day but this seems to be an oversubscribed event so expect a ballot to take place!

The Sotonettes have never been but it sounds like a good day out and we’re sure it could be combined with something else in London too.  If you’d like to go, more information can be found in the flyer here. To get a copy of the booking form, email us at sotonettes@gmail.com and we’ll send you one.

Closing date for booking forms is Thursday 31st July.