New Forest Show Coffee Morning

I hope we’ve already got a few of you excited about this year’s New Forest Show and the crafty competitions organised in the WI tent.  If you have no idea what we’re on about, have a read of our last New Forest Show blog post.

Mango chutney anyone?
Mango chutney anyone?

The organising committee have very kindly arranged a coffee morning to go through the classes for the show and provide advice (and answer questions) on anything and everything about our entries.  This will also be the first chance to see the finalised schedule and all the criteria associated with it!

Two of the committee are already planning to attend, but all Sotonettes are invited along.  If you’d like to come, here are the details:

Date: Friday 21st March 2014
Time: 9.45am for a 10am start, finishing at noon.
Venue: Colbury 
Memorial Hall, Main Road, Colbury SO40 7EL

It would be fantastic to have a good group of Sotonettes attend this meeting but we know it’s tough when meetings are during the day on weekdays.  If any of you would like to come along, just email and we’ll sort out arrangements.
For those who can’t make it, we’ll get a copy of the final schedule up on our blog as soon as we can after the meeting.