Author: sotonettes

  • Book Club update

    Our next Book Club meeting is tonight (Tuesday April 15th) – if you’ve always thought about coming along but have never been yet, make this your first meeting!  Reading the book isn’t necessary and we know a lot of you have seen the TV adaptation of this month’s book, The Ice Cream Girls! For more…

  • Afternoon tea anyone?

    Hampshire WI cordially invites you to Afternoon Tea (with sparkling wine!) on Tuesday the 3rd of June.  In addition to scones, sandwiches and sweet pastries, Lady Carnarvon – resident of Highclere Castle (the setting for Downton Abbey) – will be speaking. Judging by her blog, I’m sure there will be plenty of funny anecdotes to be…

  • Sotonettes go running!

    Our new Sotonettes Secretary, Alice, tells us a bit about her running career so far and the Running Group which she recently set up. I decided to set up the Running Group in February 2014 after yet another attack on a female runner on the Common. It felt unsafe to run there alone as I…

  • Would you like to visit WI HQ?

    The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) has its headquarters in Fulham in London.  Each year, they open their doors to WI members from across the country and offer a chance to have a look around and find out more about the work of the WI at National level. This year, the open days will…

  • The official New Forest Show schedule is here!

    Last week, three Sotonettes members ventured to the edge of the New Forest to find out the final details about the WI tent at The New Forest Show. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, see our previous blog posts here and here. We are now able to reveal the final Schedule. A…

  • Campaigning and WI Resolutions

    The monthly mailing from the WI has dropped into the Sotonettes’ email account today and one thing we’ll be discussing over the next few months are the WI campaigns and resolutions. Campaigning is a key part of what the WI is about – we’ve mentioned some recent campaigns here on our blog recently, including Love…