Author: sotonettes
A reminder about the New Forest Show Coffee Morning
First of all, thank you very much to all those who came along to our birthday party last night – it was lovely to chat to lots of you, especially those who stopped by the stand I was running and asked about Craft Night and the WI Shows! Some of our members have expressed an…
If you haven’t seen our Facebook posts or heard us chatting about the Sotonettes Book Club already, you’re missing out! In the autumn of 2013, Kate (one of our Sotonettes Committee Members) decided to start up the book club and it’s already become very popular. If you’d like to find out more about it, have…
A review of Anna Karenina
First of all, thank you to everyone who made it to January’s book club meeting even with the last minute changes in venue! You’ll all be glad to know that this month we are returning to Cafe Creme at 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th February to discuss Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. We hope to see you all…
The Romsey Show
Our current President, Hannah, has written a little bit about the Romsey Show. All Sotonettes members are kindly invited to the next coffee morning on Tuesday 18th February – we’d love to see a good Sotonettes showing if people are free! More details below… While the New Forest Show is undoubtedly the biggest deal in…
New Forest Show Coffee Morning
I hope we’ve already got a few of you excited about this year’s New Forest Show and the crafty competitions organised in the WI tent. If you have no idea what we’re on about, have a read of our last New Forest Show blog post. The organising committee have very kindly arranged a coffee morning…
Sotonettes Announcements
Not a very exciting blog post today but an important one nevertheless! 1. Craft Night is tomorrow (Tuesday). Although we normally meet at Cafe Creme, this place is unexpectedly unavailable this week so we are changing venue – we will now be chatting and crafting at the Slug and Lettuce on Above Bar Street (in…