Author: sotonettes
Book Club scores
After a few months of Book Club meetings, a few people suggested that each book could be scored out of 10 to help keep a record of those books most enjoyed by the Sotonettes but to also help guide people looking for a great read. Unfortunately a simple suggestion is never simple and everyone quickly…
Women in business!
The world has just finished celebrating International Women’s Day – did you do anything special to mark the date? While we’re all thinking about women and their impact on society, here’s a very inspiring blog post from Hannah Farmer, last year’s President, about her newest venture in business… Last year I made the decision to leave…
Inspiring Women Working Together Conferences
This spring the National Federation of Women’s Institutes is holding a series of conferences for WI Presidents up and down the country. The Inspiring Women Working Together Conferences are a chance for representatives of every WI in England and Wales to get together, hear more about what the National Federation does, and form links with WIs we’d never normally…
International Women’s Day
In case you didn’t know – it doesn’t get a huge amount of media interest so you may not – it’s International Women’s Day today (Saturday 8th March). The origins of this day lie in a group of female factory workers in New York who wanted to campaign for better conditions back in 1908. 15,000…
Spring & Autumn WI Council meetings
All Sotonettes members have been invited to the 2014 Hampshire Federation Spring Council Meeting – the details are below. The Sotonettes are part of the Hampshire Federation – they run all sorts of events throughout the year but the two big meetings in the Spring and Autumn really pull the crowds in! We have one…
Birthday Cake!
A few of you have asked for the recipes for our birthday cakes – if you’re a keen baker, treat yourself and your friends with this one – everyone said it was delicious! This year’s birthday cake (above) was a Honey Chocolate Cake. I decided to make this cake with Fairtrade ingredients as it’s Fairtrade…