Category: Events
Planning Ahead: New Year Country House Party at Denman
It’s quite early to start thinking about Christmas, but the WI is not to be sniffed at when it comes to forward planning! Here’s a recent posting we received from Denman about this most festive of occasions… Celebrate a wonderful centenary year by joining us for the traditional Denman New Year House Party on the 30…
Planning ahead: Christmas Lunch at Denman College, Oxfordshire
It’s never too early to start planning for Christmas (if you believe what the shops tell you, anyway), and the WI is no different. The Sotonettes have already had the annual missive from Denman about Christmas festivities, and we’re pleased to pass this information on to you… The WI’s Denman College in Oxfordshire will be…
Calling all budding Sotonettes craft teachers!
We’ve been contacted by the Hampshire Federation on behalf of Creative Arts, who are looking for craft teachers to exhibit at their Craft Selection Day on October 10th 2015 in Weyhill, Andover. The day will be a great opportunity for craft teachers to spread their talents and skills throughout the WI in Hampshire. There will…
Hampshire Federation Science Lunch, 11am, 10 September 2015
Hampshire County Federation of Women’s Institutes is holding a Science Lunch at Lyndhurst Community Centre on Thursday 10 September, and Sotonettes members have been invited. Andrew Seber of the Oxford Education Society will be speaking about ‘Chromosomes, Genes, DNA and All That’ in the morning, followed by lunch at 12.30pm. Tea and coffee will be…