Category: Campaigning

  • Organ Donation

    This year the WI is proposing to support a resolution on increasing organ donation. It is about having those awkward conversations to tell your loved ones what you would like to happen once you have enjoyed your life and died, and whether you want to be able to help others who would otherwise have their…

  • Where do resolutions come from?

    We’re writing a series of blogs on the WI tradition of campaigning and the issues that are relevant to the women of today.  If you missed our earlier post, find it here to get to know the history of WI campaigns. We wanted to find out how resolutions came to be and how they evolve…

  • Campaigning and WI Resolutions

    The monthly mailing from the WI has dropped into the Sotonettes’ email account today and one thing we’ll be discussing over the next few months are the WI campaigns and resolutions. Campaigning is a key part of what the WI is about – we’ve mentioned some recent campaigns here on our blog recently, including Love…

  • International Women’s Day

    In case you didn’t know – it doesn’t get a huge amount of media interest so you may not – it’s International Women’s Day today (Saturday 8th March). The origins of this day lie in a group of female factory workers in New York who wanted to campaign for better conditions back in 1908. 15,000…

  • Reclaim the Common update

    Hi everyone, Alice (one of our members) has now received a reply from Alan Whitehead (which he received from the Community Safety Operations Manager) – it is copied below for you all the read.  ‘Reclaim the Common’ is in response to recent attacks on the Common; if you’d like more information, please have a read at…

  • Love your libraries!

    One of the current WI campaigns aims to support local high streets by supporting local businesses; one feature of the high street that also needs your support is the library. In 2011 the NFWI (National Federation of Women’s Institutes) launched the ‘Love your Library’ campaign.  This acknowledges the unique place libraries are within the community with…