Author: sotonettes
The New WI Cookbook
Sotonettes Member Liz Coe was generous enough to write us a book review of the latest WI Cookbook! Read on to find out what she thought… If you’ve tried any of the recipes in the book, we’d love to see the results! In this 100th anniversary of the WI it seems that you can buy…
A new Treasurer for the Sotonettes
Sarah Anderson introduces herself as the new Treasurer of the Sotonettes, and reports back on her first committee meeting As well as hosting an evening of flower arranging at the Slug and Lettuce in Southampton, Tuesday 26 May 2015 is also the Sotonettes’ Annual General Meeting. One implication of this is that our present…
The WI Centenary comes to Southampton
Last weekend (the 18th of January) saw the WI Centenary Baton arrive in Southampton! With a transport theme, the baton is travelling the length and breadth of the country to celebrate 100 years of the Women’s Institute. One of Sotonettes’ youngest members and co-founder Catriona Cooper received the baton from the longest serving member of…
What does the next 100 years hold?
As part of our series of blogs about the upcoming vote on WI resolutions for 2015 (for more details, see our earlier blog post), we’re considering the use of antibiotics. We’re writing these posts to kick-start the debate about these issues in advance of our December meeting; they don’t reflect any particular view or an…
Should we be planting more trees in Britain?
As part of our series of blogs about the upcoming vote on WI resolutions for 2015 (for more details, see our earlier blog post), we’re considering the use of antibiotics. We’re writing these posts to kick-start the debate about these issues in advance of our December meeting; they don’t reflect any particular view or an…
Do we use antibiotics correctly?
As part of our series of blogs about the upcoming vote on WI resolutions for 2015 (for more details, see our earlier blog post), we’re considering the use of antibiotics. We’re writing these posts to kick-start the debate about these issues in advance of our December meeting; they don’t reflect any particular view or an ‘official’ view…