Author: sotonettes

  • Update: The NFWI Annual Meeting 2015

    The National Federation of Women’s Institutes held its Centenary Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall on 4 June 2015. The NFWI website has now been updated ( with the speeches and photos from the day. Also included is a link to watch the broadcast of that special day (registration required). In addition, Pam Allen…

  • Hampshire Federation Science Lunch, 11am, 10 September 2015

    Hampshire County Federation of Women’s Institutes is holding a Science Lunch at Lyndhurst Community Centre on Thursday 10 September, and Sotonettes members have been invited. Andrew Seber of the Oxford Education Society will be speaking about ‘Chromosomes, Genes, DNA and All That’ in the morning, followed by lunch at 12.30pm. Tea and coffee will be…

  • Surrey Federation Harvest Fayre – September 2015

    For those of you who might like to travel a bit further afield, Surrey Federation will be marking the centenary of the NFWI by holding a Harvest Fayre on Saturday 19 September 2015, 10 am – 4 pm at Myrtle Courtyard, Hampton Estate, Seale. There will be an emphasis on crafts, food and farming, as…

  • Calling all Sotonettes bakers!

    No Limits, the Southampton-based advice and advocacy charity for young people in Hampshire, is holding a Great British Baking Competition on Monday 31 August, 1-3 pm, at Southampton’s Dolphin Hotel. Everyone is welcome to come along to enjoy tea, cake and live music to raise money for No Limits. Sotonettes are also invited to submit…

  • Nominations for the election of Hampshire Federation Board of Trustees

    The Hampshire County Federation of WIs (HCFWI) is seeking nominations for 12 members of the Hampshire Federation to serve on the HCFWI Board of Trustees for 2014 – 2016. If you are a Sotonettes member, then you are also a member of the Hampshire Federation and are eligible to nominate or be nominated as a…

  • It’s Recycle Week!

    This week (22 – 28 June 2015) is #RecycleWeek and upcycled fashion will be the statement wardrobe essential during this year’s campaign in Southampton. See recycling strike a pose at the Upcycled Fashion Show at the Civic Centre Southampton on Wednesday 24 June at 7pm, where garments designed and created during local community sewing workshops…