Author: sotonettes
Have you been bitten by the Scrapbooking bug?
Our January meeting was all about scrapbooking – we really hope we’ve given you some motivation to get your favourite photos off your phone and memory cards and into frames and albums! For anyone who would like more details on scrapbooking, our speaker Nicki Reynolds runs local scrapbooking classes and crops (just think freestyle scrapping…
An insider’s view of Sochi
Jen (our Sotonettes webmistress) writes about the Sochi Olympics… I’m settling down to watch the Opening Ceremony of Sochi 2014 – it’s certainly going to be an interesting Winter Olympics! Are you keen on watching the winter sports or would you rather be outside taking part? Even if I am Scottish, I think I prefer…
Reclaim the Common update
Hi everyone, Alice (one of our members) has now received a reply from Alan Whitehead (which he received from the Community Safety Operations Manager) – it is copied below for you all the read. ‘Reclaim the Common’ is in response to recent attacks on the Common; if you’d like more information, please have a read at…
Love your libraries!
One of the current WI campaigns aims to support local high streets by supporting local businesses; one feature of the high street that also needs your support is the library. In 2011 the NFWI (National Federation of Women’s Institutes) launched the ‘Love your Library’ campaign. This acknowledges the unique place libraries are within the community with…
The WI & The New Forest Show
The New Forest Show takes place in July each year and is a traditional county agricultural show that has been taking place since 1921. In addition to the livestock competitions and showjumping events (and a whole lot more), the WI runs its Hampshire county competition at the show. For those of you who are fans of Kirsty…
Reclaim the Common!
One of our members Alice, concerned by recent attacks on the Common, has written the following blog post about how we might get more involved with this issue. We think it is a great idea and would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! As any Southampton resident knows, the parks are best to be…